
Indigenous-Settler Relations
All My Relations

Many of our United Churches are settler churches, and this website was created by two white settlers. We want to honour and celebrate our Indigenous siblings, and the Indigenous church, not just on Orange Shirt Day or Indigenous Day of Prayer (annually each June) but all year round. We also recognize the need to do this with sensitivity and respect. So, what are some all-ages activities settler faith communities can do to get to know their Indigenous neighbours better? Here are a few suggestions from two white-settlers to you.

Discover whose land you are a guest on

Do you know the name of the traditional caretakers of where you live? Take the time to look it up and learn their names. You can start by visiting and using their interactive map.

Look at the world differently by learning about different Indigenous teachings

Read "The Elders are Watching" by David Bouchard. This book shares a message from Indigenous elders about caring for the earth. Or check-out the wonderful colouring book based on the Seven Sacred Teachings by Gloria Hope.

Learn about Traditional Medicines

Go on an Outdoor Plant Scavenger Hunt! This activity was designed by Cheryl Graham, Indigenous Support Worker, Brooklyn.​

Celebrate Indigenous Creators

Check-out Indigenous musicians, writers, performers and artists on YouTube, Tiktok, Spotify and more.

Learn about the history of Residential Schools

We know this can be hard to do, but it is an important part of the history of Canada AND ESPECIALLY our church.

  • Check-out some of these books for children which tell stories about the residential school experience.
  • Find the nearest residential school in your area with this interactive map.
  • Visit the National Residential School Memorial Register from the National Center for Truth & Reconciliation (University of Manitoba). You can search for students by school or name.
  • Support the United Church of Canada’s Healing Fund supports healing initiatives for survivors of the residential school system and its ongoing intergenerational impacts. You can support their work by holding a fundraiser or sharing stories about their work.

Dates to Know

Jesus, Glue & Glitter