Indigenous Creators bring their culture to colouring pages
We’re always on the look out for good quality printables…
Shout-out: Building Connections between Feelings and Faith
One powerful tool we have as church workers, parents AND…
Virtual Learning Survival Kits
Make a Virtual Learning Survival Kit for students returning to online learning this January.
Guest Post: A Liturgical Snack
Rev. Barb Cairns shares with us a Sunday School activity based on the ancient Christian tradition of Agape Feasts. This is an alternative to Communion that can be led by any lay leader.
Bringing Halloween back to the church
Halloween, and All Soul’s Day, offer us an annual opportunity to engage our families in the power of story, the truths fairytales and folklore offer us, in all things dark and mysteries, and in the mystery of death.
Summer Curriculums
Three great choices for your summer programming, whether you’re planning Sunday School activities to accompany your online service, a take-home Vacation Bible School or a virtual day-camp.