Christ the King Sunday

The NYE of our liturgical year

The Eternal reigns, clothed in majesty; He is dressed in power; He has surrounded Himself with strength. He has established the world, and it will never be toppled. Your throne was established from the beginning of the world, O God, and You are everlasting.

Psalm 93 The VOICE

This is the last Sunday in our liturgical year, the Sunday before Advent begins. Wether you’re following along the Revised Common or Narrative Lectionary this is a day to contemplate what kingship looks like in Christ. It can be an awkward Sunday. It’s not a well-known one and folks have rightly reflected on the troubling imperial, or colonial, nature of seeing Jesus as king. So, how can we celebrate this Sunday together, drawing good things out of our biblical text, out of our tradition, and from our own experiences? Well, let’s see…

Exploring Our History

Did you know the Feast of Christ the King has only been around since 1925? That means it is as old as the United Church of Canada! But, of course, the idea of Jesus as King has been around long before. You could explore some of the writings that bring us this image from the Psalms, Gospels or even theologians like Cyril of Alexandria.

Party Likes it's December 31st!

We love a good New Year’s Eve party, and this Sunday is like the NYE party of the church. So, why not have some fun with party hats, sparklers, streamers and other fun? This is a great opportunity to explain the Liturgical Calendar to families. Perhaps you want to consider posting a large liturgical calendar in your sanctuary which families can consult to see where we are in the year.

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